Greg Augustine, CHSE
Clinical Somatics, Hanna Somatic Education, Human Movement Specialist, SOMA Somatics Creator, Ergonomist
Greg Augustine, is the founder and owner of SOMA 4 LIVING. Greg specializes in providing solutions for prevention, pain relief and performance. Greg has over 29 years experience in business leadership and over 20 years in the clinical, rehabilitation and personal performance fields. Greg creates programs to help people remove the barriers and recover their full performance in work, sports, play and life.

"There is no doubt in my mind that the principles and strategies of Somatics as delivered by master practitioner Greg Augustine, have made profound physical and mental differences in my life. The attitude, perspective and skills employed by Greg are life-changing, life-enhancing and life-giving. Greg has the unique gift of taking a myriad of symptoms and distilling them into results that work permanently."
Mark R Charlton BA, ARCT (Advanced Registered Cardiology Technician)
in his words....
"My passion is helping people, get out of pain and to enjoy learning and living again. Being able to use the intelligence of our living body to recover, become resilient, perform better and fully live the joy that is hidden within each of us."
Greg Augustine
Greg is a Certified Hanna Somatic Educator, Myofascial Release Therapist and Ergonomist. He is skilled at most "hands on" and movement/exercise approaches. He can utilize integrative massage and rehabilitation approaches including "trigger points", deep tissue release as well as neuromuscular work. Greg was active in many sports growing up. He also had many injuries. Greg successfully rehabilitated himself from 13 years of back pain and two herniated discs without surgery. He turned his pain and suffering into his learning and career. He has been pain free for over 14 years.
"I believe that too many people deal with unnecessary pain in our society and people get used to a low of level of performing and living. Too many people are stressed, anxious, unhappy, unfulfilled and unfortunately they feel like they have no choice or control or that it is too hard to change." "It negatively effects individuals health, quality of life and how much joy they have in their lives." "It effects businesses bottom line, their customer service, productivity, safety, success and longevity."
Greg took business administration in university and has over 29 years experience in business management and leadership. When his back wasn't getting any better and "the experts" were telling him, at 30 that he wasn't getting any younger and that he will have to live with the pain and dysfunction Greg had a life changing epiphany. "I made up my mind that I was going to learn how to get rid of the pain, find out how to prevent future injuries and made a commitment to discover how we can all live with more passion, performance and joy." "My passion became helping others prevent injuries, recover from pain and uncover their true potential." "It doesn't just need to mean -doing more or working harder- most people just need to release the greatness and intelligence they already have."
Greg has studied many disciplines for human performance, fitness, rehabilitation, prevention and pain management. He has also completed trainings in ergonomics assessment for office and industrial setting as well as Health Canada's corporate and organizational wellness programs, early return to work and musculoskeletal injury prevention programs.
"My passion is understanding how people and organizations thrive." Creating effective communication, finding the connections between perceptions attitudes, beliefs and actions. Identifying and letting go of the "old crap", while finding their true purpose, so they can release their intrinsic motivation. Helping them find and maintain a new, easier, more efficient, and more fulfilling way of functioning and living. He helps people take back control of their comfort, joy and fulfillment "My commitment is to always be learning and to give each and every personal or business client 110%."