In her words....

I was a competitive swimmer for over ten years and have suffered from chronic neck, shoulder and back pain for the last ten years.  I experienced more improvement in my posture, mobility and pain relief after just one session than I did from months of physio and massage.  I am sleeping better and it brought a new awareness to my body mechanics during daily chores such as dishes, laundry and driving. In my fitness pursuits, jogging, swimming, cycling, I noticed new levels of coordination and ease which gave me highly improved power and endurance.   Greg's knowledge, intuition and care make him a stand-out practitioner and I would highly recommend his services to anyone suffering from back pain or seeking to improve their physical and athletic performance."

Heather Turnquist

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Look better.... Feel better.... Perform better

Living life creates tension.  It pulls us out of centre. We get used to it. 

The ability to create tension is a big part of strength and wisdom.  The problem lies in the fact that most people don’t let go of the tension.  It gets built in and becomes the default programming.  It becomes the habitual way of doing things.  The tension becomes you.  You become the tension.  Your thinking, your re-acting, your beliefs, your attitudes, your perceptions, your behavior all get restricted and distorted.  The tension is like a brake left on.  It is exhausting.  It makes us age quicker, pulls us out of balance, it increases injuries and fatigue and reduces our ability to be resilient and perform.  All of life requires us to move and perform.  

When the brakes are left on all of our movement will be harder, weaker and slower. Our performance and ability to enjoy whatever activity we are doing will be decreased and compromised.   It happens gradually so we don't notice it enough to make us take notice until something happens.  Why wait?

To change we have to be brought to a certain level of desperation or desire.  Unfortunately for many people this is a slow gradual cycle, it takes decades for them to get to the point where they are desperate enough or they finally get enough desire to take back control. .  We are amazingly adaptable creatures and while this is one of our most important traits and skills it can be a detriment when we are unaware of the unconscious adaptation that is constantly taking place.  

If you take pride in your ability to perform at work, sports, yoga, golf or play then learning to move your living body better is going to be key. There are many ways to improve specialized movement but many times we do not learn the core principles and techniques to improve our capacity for comfort and maximize our performance.   In addition to quickly helping you recover, get more resilient and perform better you will come away with applicable and transferable skills that can be used in any part of your life. 

Anyone can start to take back control.  The longer you leave it the longer and more expensive it may be to  take it back.  When you are ready to  get back in the driver's seat of your comfort, movement, enjoyment and fulfillment give us a call.  250. 748. 6626 or email us.

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In her words....

"Even though I know a lot about back care and have good personal awareness I still experience the odd bad period of low back pain from an old injury. I've seen all kinds of therapists and know lots of exercises and stretches but sometimes I still have a bad spell. Recently, after suffering a few months of low back pain with no improvement I went and seen Greg. Within one session I was standing straighter and walking easier with a substantial reduction in pain. After a few more sessions I have been feeling great, balanced, much stronger and pain free again. I believe Greg's Integrated Somatic approach is a vital key to effective and long-term rehabilitation. " 

Peggy McCann, B.Sc., M.A., 

Certified Wellness and Lifestyle Mgmt Ergonomics Specialist

Former owner Back in Action Health Education Services Ltd

Soma means “the living body” and is a systematic approach to maximize health and performance.

Greg Augustine has worked with thousands of clients over the past 14+ years to help them recover from injuries and improve  their conditioning, balance, flexibility and strength.  He works with individuals to help them find the joy and fulfillment in their lives.  Greg uses a variety of "hands on" tools and education to get people back in "the driver's seat" of their own comfort, mobility and performance. 

Greg has created his own unique and powerful approach leaving you with tools to help "Release your Life Performance".  Greg integrates his training and experience in Somatics, myofascial release, ergonomics, sport performance, rehabilitation, body mechanics, martial arts, movement therapies, stress management, exercise, agility, balance, aging, communication and education to create an effective and valuable approach to help you...       Feel better, Look better and Perform better

Click below for more information

The liquid web that surrounds, protects and nourishes every structure in our living body. Making sure it is unrestricted and functioning well allow your brain and body to thrive.

The liquid web that surrounds, protects and nourishes every structure in our living body. Making sure it is unrestricted and functioning well allow your brain and body to thrive.

Somatics works directly with the control centre. The brain and the nervous system. Communicating and working with the control centre allow fast and is essential for long lasting results. Educate your Body. Awaken your Mind.

Somatics works directly with the control centre. The brain and the nervous system. Communicating and working with the control centre allow fast and is essential for long lasting results. Educate your Body. Awaken your Mind.